Chat GPT-5: What’s New OpenAI is Bringing to You!

Is OpenAI’s Chat GPT-5 really coming soon, or is it still a distant dream? 

It’s been a little over a few months since GPT-4 came out, and people are already excited about what’s next. GPT-4 has proven itself in various tests and got even better with features like ChatGPT plugins and web browsing. Now, many are curious about GPT-5, its potential, and the journey towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

However, there are some issues with GPT-4 that OpenAI needs to sort out before they dive into GPT-5. So, if we had to make an informed guess, we might see GPT-5 arrive in late 2023 or early 2024. 

Expected Features and Capabilities of the New GPT-5

GPT-5 is creating a buzz in the industry, with promises of improved features and capabilities. Listed below are some of the features that the new model is expected to come with.

1. Reduction in errors/hallucinations

One significant improvement GPT-5 is expected to come with is a reduction in hallucinations (generating incorrect information). OpenAI claims that GPT-4 performed much better than GPT -3.5 in tests, becoming 82% less likely to produce wrong or forbidden content. This is a big step forward in tackling the problem of hallucinations.

Now, it’s anticipated that GPT-5 will go even further, aiming to reduce hallucinations to less than 10%. This improvement would make GPT-5 more reliable and trustworthy for various tasks. I’ve been using GPT-4 lately, and it consistently provides accurate information. So, it’s reasonable to expect that GPT-5 will perform even better in this regard.

openAI Chat GPT 5

2. Truly Multimodal AI Model

GPT-4 was introduced as a model that can handle different types of data, like text and images, but it hasn’t fully incorporated this feature yet. OpenAI might add this capability in the coming months. 

However, GPT-5 could be a significant step forward by truly becoming multimodal. This means it could work with text, audio, images, videos, depth information, and even temperature data. It would be able to connect information from these different types of data to understand them better.

Recently, Meta released ImageBind, which combines six different types of data. OpenAI also has strong models for analyzing and generating images, like CLIP for understanding images and DALL-E for creating images from text.

The practical uses of this technology are still being explored, but it could be used to create immersive experiences in virtual reality and potentially open up new applications in different areas. We’ll have to wait and see what OpenAI does with GPT-5 in this exciting field.

3. Reduced Pricing 

Using GPT-4 can be expensive compared to the GPT-3.5-turbo model. OpenAI recently lowered the prices for both, offering GPT-4 with a 32,000-word context for about $0.12 per 1,000 words and GPT -3.5-turbo with a 16,000-word context. 

However, a competitor, Claude 2 by Anthropic AI, is priced at around $0.04 for generating 1,000 words and supports an even larger context of 100,000 words.

To encourage developers to use GPT-5 in the future, OpenAI needs to keep its pricing competitive and reasonable. GPT-4’s high computing cost is due to its complex infrastructure with multiple models. OpenAI must find a way to create a more efficient and advanced dense model for GPT-5 if they want it to be widely adopted.

Is Chat GPT-5 going to be an Open Source Model?

GPT-4 and the upcoming GPT-5 won’t be open-source, as OpenAI desires to stay competitive in the race of AI. However, Meta, yet another Titan, has taken a different approach by releasing AI models under a license that allows research but not commercial use. This has gained popularity in the open-source community.

In response to Meta’s success, OpenAI has also reconsidered its open-source stance. They are working on a new open-source AI model to be shared with the public soon, although its capabilities and competitiveness compared to GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 are not yet clear.

In conclusion, Chat GPT-5 is expected to be a groundbreaking model, possibly even approaching AGI. However, this could lead to stricter regulations or bans worldwide. As for the release date, it’s likely to be sometime in the last month of 2023 or the initial months of 2024. 

Stay tuned for updates on this exciting launch!

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